"I Swear Under Oath...Gary Halbert is NOT Dead...I Must Protest This Falsehood...Operation Money-Suck Reaches Key West..."

"Rabid Direct Marketing Genius Pulls No Punches...Shoots Straight From The Hip at All Times...And Doesn't Care Who He Upseats In The Process!"

From the Desk of: Jason Hart
Murphy, NC., USA
Thursday, 10:15 PM
RE: The Gary Halbet Legacy...

Gary Halbert was one of the greatest marketers in the history of mankind.  His accomplishments are especially impressive...He out paces the most successful Direct Marketing Copywriters by LIGHT YEARS...In a Universe all his own and of his own making.



"Nothing Is Impossible For The Person Who  Refuses To Listen To Reason!" - Gary Halbert

With this as his credo...Gary blazed many new marketing trails and leaves the rest of us wondering where in the world he was going next and how in the Hell do we catch up.  Gary Halbert was a MADMAN and a Direct Marketing Genius!

Take a good hard look at his famous "Coats-of-Arms letter"...mailed to 600,000,000 people!  That's right 600 MILLION!  It is not only one of Gary's greatest letters it is also one of the greatest mail order pieces ever crafted.  How could such a powerful letter be written with just 360 words!

This incredible letter needs to be studied and copied by every serious Copywriter and Direct Marketer and it is included in...

The Ultimate Gary Halbert Marketing Legacy Package...

This labor of love collection contains Gary's Foremost Copywriting and Marketing Secrets. These secrets have NEVER BEEN COLLECTED AND MADE SO READILY AVAILABLE IN ONE PLACE BEFORE...

Gary had the most provocative style of writing copy.  He never, ever worried about offending anyone.  Hell NO!  No barriers existed for Gary. He had absolutely no interest in pleasing 100% of the readers.  Gary Halbert told it like it is regardless of what others thought about it. Those who did not like it stopped reading and left. What remained were his true followers...10's of thousands of them...

Who else but Gary Halbert would have the "audacity" and sheer guts to run an ad for a weight loss product that began with...

"Attention All Porkers"

Even when his copy didn't pull (which was very rare), Gary always had a blast doing all the stuff he did and spending every cent.

"...I have never found another Copywriter with a deeper understanding of Human Motivation than Gary Halbert"
Jason Hart

Gary was the absolute master of full page space ads.  In fact he was one of the Greatest Copywriters in the World.  His irreverent profanity-filled style was unique to him alone...It earned him and his clients MILLIONS...

In fact at one point Gary Halbert was the second largest buyer of advertising space in the nation!

He impressed everyone who read anything that he wrote because of the passion and personality he was able to inject into each and every piece he crafted.  The man NEVER wrote a boring letter in his life.

"...Sorry mate, I'm so busy at the moment I'm paying someone to take a S * * t for me. Talk Soon" - Gary Halbert

 Most of the Direct Respons Advertising created by Gary is so good that it has become a part of history.  His work has been printed in dozens (maybe hundreds) of books.  200 years from now budding Copywriters will be reading and studying his work...

There has never been another Copywriter on Earth who has created "winners" like Gary Halbert...not Claude Hopkins, not David Ogalvy, not John Kennedy, not Maxwell Sackhiem, not Robert Collier, not Clayton Makepeace...NONE OF THEM!

Case in Point: Gary once wrote two letters for which he was paid...$5,250,000!

YES, You Read it Right! That's Five Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, for just two letters.  Have you ever heard of ANY Copywriter being paid that much money for just two "lousy" letters.

The Ultimate Gary Halbert Marketing Legacy Package contains...

over 27 Amazing examples of Gary's full page space ads in beautiful PDF format.  By studying these ads and examining how they crafted and constructed you will learn from the Absolute Master the essence of World Class Copy

Once in the early 80', Gary crossed the line, got into trouble with the law and spent some time at the remote desert Federal Country Club, just North of Kramer Junction (Boron Prison).  It seems that he hired his drinking buddies to run  his very successful company and the wheels of doom began rolling.  So what does Gary do in such times of trouble, he turns lemons into lemon aide and spends his time there writing the Best Course ever written on Direct Marketing and sends these Classic Lessons out in the form of Loving Letters to his son Bond.  These FAMOUS LETTERS are now know worldwide as "The Boron Letters."

The Ultimate Gary Halbert Marketing Legacy Package contains...

all 25 Volumes in PDF format.  In the Boron Letters Gary distills the Essence of Direct Marketing Mastery and drills it down to a Step-by-Step, Paint-by-the-Numbers guide.  It is an absolutely phenomenal addition to this already incredible package...The Gary Halbert Legacy Live On...

In the early 90's Gary began hosting the most Incredible Seminars out of his Key West office. The most famous was when he held a seminar for the victims of hurricane Andrew.  Gary Halbert raised so much money that it became the largest single amount of money presented to the victims who were whipped out by one of America's most devastating hurricane ever.

In honor of Gary's tremendous teaching at these seminars I have included, with each and every Legacy package, the COMPLETE and FULL Transcripts of three talks that Gary Halbert gave.  These talks are filled to the brim with secret tips and stratagies that you will find no where else, not even in Gary's extensive writings.  These Extremely Valuable transcripts are one more priceless reason to GRAB the Ultimate Gary Halbert Marketing Legacy Package for your own collection TODAY!

Let's Recap what YOU get with The Ultimate Gary Halbert Marketing Legacy Package...

  • The Most Famous Direct Marketing Letter of All Time - "The Coat-of-Arms Letter" in PDF Format.

  • Over 27 of Gary's Incredible Full Page Space ADs also in PDF format.

  • The COMPLETE COLLECTION of the Famous "BORON LETTERS" again in PDF format.

  • 3 COMPLETE SETS of Gary's Private Talks in PDF format.

You get all this for the incredible price of just $397.00 $37.00.  However this is strictly an introductory price.  It will not last long...

Get The Gary Halbert Legacy Package Now...

100% Unconditional No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Please understand that I can't legally promise you to make a certain amount of money. I don't know your background, your ambitions, or just how much effort you'll put into it. SO I'm not going to promise you'll make $30,000 in 30 days...or anything silly like that. I've been doing this for a while. I'm not going to even promise you'll fully duplicate my results. 

What I can guarantee is that you'll be 100% satisfied. If you decide that this package just isn't for you within 90 days, for whatever reason, then you can get a 100% refund of your money. All I ask is that you send me a simple email stating that you have destroyed any hard copies and have deleted my information and bonuses off your hard drive...and I'll immediately refund you completely of every cent you paid.  

There is nothing you have to return and no hoops to jump through. Just send me an email stating the above at Jason@FocusBasedMarketing.com and you'll receive the full refund. No Questions Asked.

The $397.00 $37.00 price will not last long...

 It's ONLY $397.00 $37.00. It's Jam Packed and it's totally risk free.

Get The Gary Halbert Legacy Package Now...

 Now, at this point I could add in some really great quality additional copywriting materials as an added bonus but that would only dilute the Gary Halbert Legacy, which I will not do!

 There is a over 40 years of life's lessons contained in this amazing collection and crammed into a nearly 15 megabite information package.

 I will be raising the price at some point so please don't wait to long.  This collection contains almost all of Gary's Copywriting "Secrets" and Techniques in one neat little package.  Grab your Copy TODAY!

Get The Gary Halbert Legacy Package Now...

To YOUR Copywriting Success,

Jason Hart

P.S. How much is it worth to you to learn from the Greatest Marketing Mind ever and learn a proven system that works...including all the Marketing and Copywriting strategies and secrets necessary to send your business into the stratosphere? Take action today and you can be on your way to success beyond your wildest dreams by applying these proven strategies today! 

Get The Gary Halbert Legacy Package Now...

GUARANTEE: If this collection of "Classified" Full Page Display ADs, Direct Mail Pieces, Confidential Letters and Transcripts are not everything that I say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked. That’s more than a guarantee, that's a promise.

Focus Based Marketing
P.O. Box 325
Murphy, NC  28906

Phone: 828-644-9113



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